Tag Archives: Les Dunaway

Kill the Fed? – Then what?

By: Les Dunaway

The subject of the Federal Reserve has generated a lot of smoke, but little light. In my opinion, the Federal Reserve must be changed, a LOT.

However, it performs required functions not related to the creation of imaginary wealth which has caused such suffering. Those who shout “Kill the Fed!” with no understanding of or consideration for those functions and their absolute necessity make the rest … Read more...

I am SO OVER “austerity”!

By: Les Dunaway

The term austerity has been misused hundreds of times daily for months now! It annoyed me the first time, as calling a leg a tail always does.

If you call a tail a leg, how many legs has a dog? Five?
No, calling a tail a leg don't make it a leg.
Abraham Lincoln

It’s reached the point where I’ve got to talk about this latest foray … Read more...

A Scary Story

By: Les Dunaway

A Scary Story

A scary story is being written. It’s about a country, with a long and proud history of being an example of all that’s good in man. This country was infiltrated, many years ago, by people who preach victimhood, envy and entitlement. In the story they are called BooHoo’s, from their practice of couching each attack on freedom as needed because someone had been harmed. … Read more...

The EU is doomed!

Just The Numbers, Mam

By: Les Dunaway

As regular readers know, I’ve been less than optimistic about the prospects for recovery in the EU. I don’t believe that Greece, Portugal, Italy or, for that matter, France, will wean themselves from the socialist trough.

Sunday night, the most clueless of the clueless “mainstream media”, 60 Minutes, led with  An Imperfect Union: Europe’s debt crisis [story] . Steve Kroft deserves … Read more...

A Preview of Socialist America

Just The Numbers, Mam

By: Les Dunaway

An article by Alberto Mingardi was published in the Friday 23 March 2012 Wall Street Journal titled The European Union According to Hayek. It is an impressive, short summary of key ideas from Friedrich Hayek and an explanation of how Hayek predicted the collapse of the EU, which we are now witnessing. Notice that Mingardi refers to the breakdown of the European Read more...

More funny money!

Just The Numbers, Mam

By: Les Dunaway

The announcement by major world banks that they’ll funnel money to European banks is the latest step in the saga of “Let’s borrow more money so we can keep spending”. Only, this time it’s “Let’s print money we don’t have and loan it to people who won’t pay it back at cheap rates so they can keep spending.” [read] [readRead more...

Hooda thunk it?

Just The Numbers, Mam

By Les Dunaway

Well the suspense is over – what little suspense there was.

Super Committee Says It’s Unable to Agree on Debt Reduction Deal

We all knew that Boehner got rolled on the debt limit deal. [read] [read] [read] He should have asked Bush I about trusting Democrats. At least, he called Obama out … Read more...

The Undead – Acorn still walks – Just The Numbers, Mam

By Les Dunaway

So you thought Congress had driven a stake through Acorn’ s heart? They probably missed because it’s heart is way to the left of where you’d expect. This monster seems to be hard to kill.

The good news is that the monster hasn’t gotten any smarter.  Fox reporters walked in an interviewed the conspirators in their “New York Communities for Change” office about their funding … Read more...

Limited Government Is Good Business – Just The Numbers, Mam

By Les Dunaway

“When institutions protect the liberty of individuals, greater prosperity results for all.”

Adam Smith in “The Wealth of Nations”, 1776

This truth is a key measure of the fitness of a government to survive. When any government fails this test, the citizens of that government must resort to another statement, written the same year:

…We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, Read more...

Economic Illiteracy – Just The Numbers, Mam

By Les Dunaway

During the budget debate last December, during the lead-up the the debt-ceiling debate, … I’ve listened to statements made by various politicians, pundits and some real people. I’ve concluded that there really are people who believe that we can just raise taxes to support any desired level of spending. When they are asked about the example of Spain, Portugal, Greece, Ireland, … they respond “Well, that’s Europe; … Read more...