Hooda thunk it?

Just The Numbers, Mam

By Les Dunaway

Well the suspense is over – what little suspense there was.

Super Committee Says It’s Unable to Agree on Debt Reduction Deal

We all knew that Boehner got rolled on the debt limit deal. [read] [read] [read] He should have asked Bush I about trusting Democrats. At least, he called Obama out on sending the Democrats into the “Super Committee” with orders to avoid making a deal so that they can all blame the Republicans for being unwilling to raise taxes on the evil rich.

So what? If they had made a deal, the so-called deficit reduction wouldn’t have amounted to doodly. Jessica Anderson, Heritage Action For America, wrote in July

All in all, under a best case scenario where all of the cuts envisioned in the Boehner plan come to fruition, they would only reduce our nation’s projected debt-to-GDP ratio from 104% to 92% – a ratio far higher than its current 62 percent, which Moody’s has already said must come down to maintain our nation’s stable outlook


Paul Ryan’s plan cut $6T over ten years and actually addresses the problems that got us into this mess. [read] [read]

There was good news this week, across the world. The people of Greece, Italy and Spain have thrown out the socialist fools who have bankrupted their countries. America need to follow their lead.

ps: The story about Spain, above, illustrates the danger of waiting too long.

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