The Pathos of “Liberalism”

By Tom Kiser

The political left refer to themselves as liberals. They are not liberal in any way other than the liberal, cavalier manner with which they treat facts and truth. But then those of us on the political right go along with and assist with their deception by using the word ‘liberal’ which they use to mislabel themselves. We must find a way to do better.

The political left refer to themselves as progressives. They’re not progressive. Their preferred policies seek to regress to policies that have already failed many, many times in the past. In fact, every time in history their policies have been implemented the result has been failure, many times catastrophic failure. But then those of us on the political right go along with and assist with their deception by using the word ‘progressive’ which they use to mislabel themselves. We must find a way to do better. I think we can.

The hard core political left consists largely of socialist economic predators who use our open and free society and our participatory political system to prey on the nation and to prey on the nation’s economically productive people. In order to grow a larger and larger political constituency whose votes they can count on receiving on election day, the leftist socialist predators have cultured and grown a sub-class of Americans that consists of millions of economic dependents who are dependent upon governments for their very survival.

The nation’s political divide is now between those who must depend upon our governments for their survival and those upon whom our governments must depend if our governments are to survive. The demographics do not favor the survival of our governments, thus, the demographics do not favor the survival of our nation as we have known it.

Today’s leftist socialist predators now hide behind the millions of economic dependents that the government policies of the leftist socialist predators of the past produced, cultivated and grew.

The more I learn and come to understand about how far down a road that we should never have taken we have been led as a nation, the more I feel like just finding a quiet corner where I can curl up and cry like a baby. As a nation and as a people, we forsook pursuit of the American dream decades ago and began to pursue the politically attractive but economically unattainable, systemically fatal, defined-by-the-leftist-predators American fantasy. That the American fantasy will now morph to become the American nightmare becomes more of a metaphysical certainty with each day that passes without there being a concerted, determined effort to reverse course and try to return to where we can again find the path to the American dream.

Almost every action by the leftist socialist predators is calculated to appeal emotionally to the captive constituency that they have produced and grown–primarily in our cities–where locally available resources may not be adequate for even one percent of the survival needs of the local population.

We on the political right will not win the war against the leftist socialist predators by attacking the captive economically dependent constituencies that they have created and which they now manipulate with vague promises of a better life and by, when an opportunity to do so is presented, launching scurrilous verbal attacks against the economically productive upon whom the leftist predators, the governments and the economically dependent must depend for their survival.

Wealth, at its source, is a creation of nature. Prosperity, if it exists, is produced by continuous, ongoing processes that require the application of effort and the expenditure of energy. Cost is a creation of nature. All cost is created when an amount of energy of some kind, including the energy of people, is used and dissipated. Prices are produced by people. Manipulating prices does nothing to change costs.

The leftist socialist predators along with the economically dependent class of Americans they have produced and grown for political purposes are energy leeches who survive on the efforts of those who are economically productive.

Any hard working, economically productive person who goes to the polls on election day and casts votes for leftist democrats because of the vague, allusiory promises that were made during the election campaign is voting to have the predatory leftists dump an even more massive burden upon their backs.

How many are there of those who work hard in the nation’s food industry who now must have the assistance of “food stamps” to be able to provide the food which they help to produce, process, transport and sell for themselves and for those who depend directly upon them to be their providers?

Are we there yet?

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