The laws of Nature’s God in Action


By Donald S. Conkey

This past week we who live in North Georgia witnessed firsthand the unbendable “Laws of Nature’s God” in action. Georgia’s snow and ice storm hit everyone equally – no forgiveness for friends or relatives caught in the ravages of this storm. Those prepared were able to ride out the storm; those caught unprepared paid a price. That is God’s law – everyone is treated equally under his laws which are unalienable, or unbreakable, as Jefferson pointed out in his Declaration of Independence.

Some believe that God uses devastating storms to remind all mankind that He is still in charge. He used weather forecasters to give Georgians ample warning that the coming storm was more than Georgia’s ‘one day’ snowstorm and everything would return to normal. The elements combined to create a weather situation that shut down commerce nearly a week. Most were not prepared for this lengthy delay. Fortunately the food stores were able to restock after three days and this likely prevented further social disruptions and chaos.

But what would have happened here in Georgia if this storm shut down commerce for two weeks and the ice had prevented the restocking of the grocery store shelves. Would there have been greater chaos or social unrest? People tend to be more unruly when they are hungry – a natural law.

While severe winter storms can be devastating they can also be beautiful. I stepped outdoors on Monday morning. The beauty created by the snow storm was breathtaking. The sun broke out and shone on the snow causing it to sparkle. But the quiet was eerie – no school buses to break the silence; no children’s voices heard walking to their school bus; no cars driving by with people going to work; no golfers teeing off across the street. The storm closed down the economy.

While this natural beauty was dazzling to Georgians eyes and inner spirit it was quietly creating an economic storm that would soon negatively affect many in our community, state and nation. Long distant truckers, the blood pressure of America’s economy, were caught off guard and sat helpless on Georgia’s interstate highways unable to deliver their vital cargoes to their destinations, either locally or elsewhere throughout America. Jefferson was right: “the Laws of Nature” are a vital cornerstone to a thriving economy.

Many say there is no God and tend to refer to natural laws as Mother Nature and would, if they could, attempt to pass a law prohibiting devastating storms. For believers this attitude is laughable. Nevertheless the progressives have been successful in negatively regulating many aspects of our lives and continue to press for additional laws to further regulate our economy. Their goal: one world government by destroying capitalism, demonizing the rich, and socializing America to gain power and glory for themselves. When will America fully realize that real “Freedom is not bestowed; it is achieved?”

Since progressives tend to use Christian principles to attain their socialistic objectives I turned to the Bible to find similar patterns. And I did. Their efforts to stop free speech today is similar to what the ‘ruling class’ in Peter’s day used to quiet Peter. Acts 4:17 states: “let us straitly threaten them, that they speak henceforth to no man in this name. And they called them, and commanded them not to speak at all nor teach in the name of Jesus.” Sounds like the ‘fairness doctrine’ progressives want to pass today to close down open debate in America. Remember, freedom depends on open and honest debate.

After reading the words “Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven” (Matt 6:10) I asked myself “What is the economy in God’s kingdom in heaven?” I think I found the answer in Matthew 25:14. It reads: “For the kingdom of heaven is as a man traveling in a far country, who called his own servants, and delivered unto them his goods.” The parable of the talents follows, a powerful parable that, I believe, explains a prosperous society where individual initiative and work reign. Remember the one who buried his talent was cast out into “outer darkness” and that the ‘man’ distributed his ‘talents,’ or goods, according to the preparation of each individual and his work ethic. Their success was attained by hard word and by “trading.”

As hard as progressives want to change God’s unbendable laws of economics they cannot – they may bend them, but God’s laws will never be broken for the long term. God’s laws are unalienable!

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