Is the U.S. Constitution termite proof?


By Don Coakley

Is the United States Constitution termite proof? No! So why would anyone even ask such a question? For two reasons!

The first reason: On September 17th United States will celebrate the 224th anniversary of the signing of that unique and world changing document.

The second reason: There is a powerful similarity between the damage caused by termites to my home recently and the destructive damage caused by the progressive party’s termite-like destruction to America’s foundational documents over the past 100 years. 

We didn’t even know we had termite damage until Mike, our repairman, showed me positive proof of termites in the window shutters. He continued to probe and found even more termite damage completely hidden behind sheet rock that would not have been found had Mike not continued to probe.

The support studs in the garage had been riddled by termites and were in real danger of collapsing much like, many believe, the Constitution of the United States is in danger of collapsing due to excessive termite-like damage to its foundation during the past 100 years. Credit for finding the damage to the foundation of the Constitution has to go to today’s Tea Party movement. But it wasn’t until Americans saw the ‘fundamental changes’ Obama promised, and was implementing, was about to destroy their freedoms that millions organized into a national movement. As they grew they began to probe, like Mike did on my house, and they found the Constitution’s foundation badly riddled, much like the studs in my garage. Much of the termite-like damage had been done by legislation promoted in the name of social justice, often dressed in the robes of Christian virtues, the virtues upon which America was founded.

The progressives were careful not to let the public see their social justice legislation eating away at the foundation of the Constitution. But when the public discovered something amiss they banded together and destroyed those who dared bring their dark secrets out into the open, like they are trying to destroy the Tea Party movement today.

Andrew Jackson set the progressive’s back many years when he vetoed their legislation to renew the charter of their national bank. Not until 1913 were they able to finally establish their own private bank, cloaked as ‘The Federal Reserve Bank,’ a bank most American’s think is America’s national bank. It is not. It is a private bank controlled by the ‘Eastern Establishment.’ If it were a true national bank its profits would be paying down the national debt. Instead its profits are divided among their elitist inner circle.

Next the progressives had to create a way to increase taxes. Again subterfuge was used. In 1909 the 16th amendment was introduced by a democrat, but energized by Teddy Roosevelt, and was ratified in 1913 using their new class-warfare slogan – ‘Soak the Rich.’ The Founder’s had provided for adequate taxes to pay normal expenses for running ‘a small government’ but not one where everyone dips into the public trough.

Another principle the progressives had to destroy was the Americans belief in God, Jefferson’s Creator and Supreme Judge of the world. Indisputably America was created on a solid belief in God and in the ancient principles of freedom found in their Bibles. Subterfuge was again used, aided by liberal judges dominating the courts, expecially the Supreme Court who ruled that prayer could no longer be offered in public schools or the name of God mentioned in schools. As a result the moral structure of America has steadily declined as our ‘Monuments to Ignorance,” our local and federal jails have filled up with those who have been raised without benefit of a father figure in the home.

The traditional family, a marriage between a man and a woman, in spite of political correctness, is still the very foundation of all civilized society. Johnson’s Great Society tried to change what God had decreed. It can’t be done by legislation. Look at Detroit. Once a mighty city that people flocked to for jobs and the good life but now a city in total ruin, a city that has lost nearly half its population in the last 20 years. A sad product of Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society!

American’s will celebrate the 224th anniversary of the signing of the Constitution on September 17th. This year, with the Constitution hanging by a slender thread, it’s time for all Americans to read and ponder it: and learn about the freedoms America will lose if the progressive’s termite damage is not soon repaired.

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