Ignorance and Selfishness: Foolish Traits of the American Electorate and How to Overcome them

By: Jerry Kotyuk

My conclusion from the election results is simply this…

50% of our fellow Americans are either woefully ignorant, foolishly selfish, or both.

That is, they are ignorant of American history and heritage, also of economics and capitalism; and/or they are selfish in voting for goodies for themselves, without regard for the good of the nation, or even of the future for their children and grandchildren. Now that is foolish.

How do we solve this, for the future betterment of our society? I’m glad you asked.

First, we must deal with the ignorance. The Tea Party has done a good job in educating conservatives about the Declaration, the Constitution, and federalism. Notice that I said…conservatives. Yes, but the other half of the country needs to be taught this history and heritage as well. We must take on the monster I call LICs – that is, Liberal Indoctrination Centers aka the public school system. As people of faith or of no faith, we can no longer blindly assume that the government-run schools are teaching our children in a fair and non-partisan way. When the curriculum, standards, and culture emanate downwind from the national government and are manipulated and controlled locally by the teachers unions, the results stink! We’ve hoped for years that the individual teacher, whether Christian or just a good and decent American, can make the difference, but they no longer can. They are tied down by political correctness, federal mandates, and anti-Christian rules. We cannot change the LIC’s from within, our only hope is to make a clean break! Churches must ally together to form more Christian schools, communities need to band together to develop non-religious private school alternatives, and each must work to assist home school parents. Just as Moses spoke for God to Pharaoh, we must also boldly declare to the government-run schools, Let My Children Go! We need a New Exodus, in order for a new generation, and our nation, to be free from the LICs.

The schools teach contraception and abortion, but call it health education and empowerment for women, they teach homosexuality but call it tolerance and anti-bullying; in addition, they teach radical environmentalism instead of responsible stewardship, and they teach Socialism rather than Capitalism. No wonder our children go to government run schools for 12 years, and come out as liberals. Then they head off to a public college where they are indoctrinated further, and they turn away from the faith of their youth to become relativistic secularists, and we are shocked. If a Christian church is lucky, it has a student 4 hours a week to teach Christian principles and values, but the secular and increasingly anti-Christian Public School has that same young, malleable mind for 30 hours a week – who is going to win that battle for the mind?

As for the selfishness of our American voters, no man can drive selfishness out of the human heart. So, one must appeal to the person’s vested interest, which is the future freedom and prosperity of our country for his children and grandchildren. That will inform many to vote against their selfish instincts, but not all.

We must teach long-range planning and deferred gratification in an age of short term thinking and immediate gratification. We must instruct and exemplify the benefits of self-government that starts with the individual, then moves up to the family and church, then percolates throughout the community and finally reins in government at all levels. Thus, we must turn our society into a bottom up model rather than a top down one. The States created the national government, not the other way around.

This brings me to my last point. The 50 States have begun to fight back against the national government, but they must continue and increase that effort. They must also work together to tame the beast that the federal Leviathan has become. That will not work if the states continue to take federal money when it is offered them, with all the strings attached. We must force them to grow the courage to refuse the money along with the mandates. As George Washington wisely stated, “Government is like fire, a useful servant but a dangerous master”. Activists, pastors, educators, state and local governments. citizens all, must restrain our national government so that it becomes a tool once again, rather than a master.

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