Christmas –a reminder of Christ’s gifts to mankind

by Donald S. Conkey

For those who believe in the birth of Jesus Christ and in his life, ministry, death and resurrection from the grave to break the bonds of death, Christmas is more than just another holiday; it is a day to remember the birth of God’s only begotten Son, He who was born to set us free. Said He: “To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth. Every one that is of the truth heareth my voice.” (John 18:37) And all those who have heard his truth have been set free, truly free. What a wonderful gift. Truly a gift worthy of remembering and of celebration!

Let us remember his birth by first remembering that Jesus Christ is the ‘Christ’ in Christmas, the believer’s Savior, Redeemer and Son of God, He whom the apostle Paul referenced, along with the Son’s Father, God, in each of his several epistles. In addition to remembering how many gifts we receive this year let us remember those gifts Christ has given to all mankind because Christmas is more than a commercial day, a day merchants hope turns red to black, it is, or should be, a very religious and spiritual holiday from the daily challenges that come to all mortals.

But where do we begin with those many gifts He has given to all mankind, regardless of race, national heritage or personal beliefs? Thomas Jefferson, in America’s Declaration of Independence named life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness to be “unalienable Rights,” or gifts of the Creator, Jesus Christ, if you will, for all mankind. Included among those priceless universal gifts Jefferson named is the gift of mortal life itself, always given through parents, most through loving parents but for a few through lustful parents; the gift of agency or free will of choice, the gift to choose what one does with the gift of life, to prepare for immortality or to waste this gift of life; the powerful gift of procreation, the gift to become a father or a mother of a spirit child of God along with the joy of creating one’s own family, a family where love prevails; and the gift of the resurrection, life after mortality, as Paul declared in Corinthians 15:21-22: “For since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead. For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive;” powerful gifts that far too many never think of, ignore or simply take for granted.

With this gift of life come gifts of talents. For some these talents are often obvious but for others these talents are less obvious and often need the help of parents or teachers to find and develop through education, practice and much nourishment. Another gift that comes with the gift of life is the powerful gift of personal revelation, a universal gift, but a gift only developed and used fully by those who believe and commune with God in prayer, believing as Christ himself taught, “ask and ye shall receive, seek and ye shall find (the truth).”

Others have been known to utilize this gift of revelation without knowing they have used it. While most scientists are believers in personal revelation a few are not but nevertheless marvel at the means by which they have been able to unlock another of God’s universal laws, or as Jefferson referred to them as “the Laws of Nature.”

Another universal gift is the gift of love that is given to all. But some fail to fully utilize this gift because they are deceived by the father of all lies, Satan. Parents, especially mothers are endowed with this gift of love and it is apparent to all when they share their gift of love by loving their children.

During this Christmas season we all need to remember, and to be grateful for the variety of talents God has given to mankind, allowing man to create societies and cultures that bless the lives of all who partake of and use these gifts for the betterment of all mankind. These talents are limitless and as we gather our families together to celebrate God’s gift to mankind, His only begotten Son, let us all be grateful for this America we live in and the freedoms that still allow us to gather around us those we love most and hold dear to us, our families.

Merry Christmas to all!

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