Can you believe?

By Donald S. Conkey – “Can you believe …” is the punch line for a popular TV commercial used to grab the attention of older women. But today I have borrowed this line to reflect on a Cherokee Tribune editorial and corresponding cartoon published a week ago today. The editorial was titled “Cuba – Socialism failing there, so why not raise rabbits.” The cartoon shows an older badly beat up car with a license plate with ‘Socialism’ written on it; and Fidel Castro telling Barrack Obama “I’ll be honest, it doesn’t work, it never has … Obama’s quick reply was “I’ll take it.” The car lot’s name was “Crazy Fidel’s Used Cars.”

“Can you believe” that a newspaper anywhere in America would ever run such an editorial and cartoon depicting the president of the United States of America leading his country down the road to socialism, with “Socialism” defined on local bumper stickers as “Poverty equally divided.” Never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined such an editorial, or cartoon, would be ever published in America. But it was and it depicts clearly what is happening here in America today. Not only is this scenario scary but it is frightening. No wonder “We the people” are rising up to turn out of office those elitist who hold deep distain for the average working American and for the American family.

Who would have believed that a closet socialist could be elected president by the people of the United States on the promise of “hope and fundamental change,” then surround himself with 35 ‘Czars’ (this is Communistic terminology) and then in a short twenty months nearly shred the Constitution of the United States, the document that restored liberty and freedom to a world shackled in 1787 by fear and tyranny, the tyranny of those that Plato called the “elitist class,” the ruling class in his book The Republic. This book has become the text book for every dictator since, and it apparently is the text book being used today by the Obama administration’s Czars.

Also, “can you believe,” that the Congress of the United States apparently encourages what is going on in the presidency. Approximately 42 percent of Congress has been in office for over 20 years with many of them, including the Congressional Black Caucus, holding the very people they represent in contempt thinking of them as “my people” as Senator Herman Talmadge once referred to ‘his constituents.’

Who are today’s ‘elitists,’ those who hold in contempt the American people and America’s constitutional form of self-government? They are, in my opinion, those who have ‘gamed the system’ to gain power, authority and personal wealth and consider themselves more fit to rule than their fellow man. They are the ones who use the Constitution to gain their power and wealth and then attempt to replace it with a form of government (socialism) that would re-enslave the nation’s citizens. And these elitists are found throughout society; in government, corporate America, higher education, labor movements, and in many ‘do-good’ organizational movements who attempt to circumvent “the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God” to reach their self-righteous goals.

Last week’s treatment of Christine O’Donnell by her elitist Republican Party was shameful. Yes, she has issues, but her opponent has greater issues – he is a self-avowed Marxist. His issues are greater issues than hers. If O’Donnell is elected and votes no on all of Obama’s agenda she will be worth electing.

The Tea Party Movement has become a major factor in this year’s elections. And I hope they continue to have an ever increasing impact on the 2012 elections. In my opinion the Tea Party people are more in tune with ‘We the people’ than the elitists.

As I reflect upon the challenges all Americans face in choosing those to “lead us,” not “rule us,” I think of the words of the Lord to Samuel when Samuel was sent to anoint David to replace Saul, who like Obama, had over stepped his bounds. This scripture reads “But the Lord said unto Samuel, Look not unto his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him (Eliab): for the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart.” (1 Sam 16:7)

I believe today’s Tea Party movement is rejecting the elitists by looking “on the heart” of the candidates. There will be much pain, but socialism will be rejected. And this is how America will be reclaimed.

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