Ignorant does not equal stupid

By: Les Dunaway

For the past year or more, I’ve been struggling with the fact that many people believe that social programs can be expanded without limit because taxes can be raised, without limit, to support them. The question I keep asking myself and everyone who’ll talk about it is “How can we help these people to understand that simple arithmetic demonstrates the fallacy of their belief?”

I know that a portion of those people are unwilling to engage in any sort of dialog on this subject.  I do no understand why that is, but I suspect that fear is the reason. Because, if they were to talk about the subject and it were to turn out that what we see, today, in Greece, Spain, Italy, France, … is in fact the unavoidable end of their belief it would be really, really scary. It would be scary because it would demonstrate that their core belief in the infallibility of the state is wrong. It would be scary because their belief in the state has replaced all other beliefs – God, America and, worst of all, themselves.

I also know that another, larger portion is willing to engage in a dialog and I believe that I know why these folks are willing to talk – because they are in the same position as a person who knows their significant other is cheating on them – it’s called denial.

These are the people that I want to talk with; the people who I want to enlist in the salvation of our county. I believe that these people can be a powerful force for good for the same reason that reformed alcoholics, drug addicts and smokers can speak so powerfully about the hell that their addiction was for them.

Today, I learned from Rush Limbaugh about an article in the Irish Examiner written by Alicia Colon titled Low-Info Voters Just Not Interested In Politics. Her article does not answer my original question [above] but it does shed a bright light on why so many hold insupportable beliefs.

I suggest that her article might be re-titled Voters Ignorance Prevents Interest in Politics.  Perhaps her ideas suggest a path to reducing that ignorance. These are the same people who know who won every Super Bowl, every NASCAR championship, every Oscar, every American Idol. They know the stats for every pitcher, for every quarterback.

These people aren’t stupid. They are just ignorant. And they are only ignorant because they haven’t seen a reason to study this subject. They have the capability to learn and to understand and when they do, those who’ve scammed them will need a deep hole to hide in.

Where are the people who can have the conversation “If I could show you that you are being scammed; that you have been scammed for decades, would you like to know more about that?”

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