Category Archives: Uncategorized

Climate Change in the South

By Michael Opitz

The cold weather and snow extending from the southern United States to the Northeast twice in the past three weeks give us pause to consider that this cold may be the beginning of a global shift in weather.  Europe has also been affected, and in some European countries record lows have been set.  There have also been massive flooding of an unprecedented scale in Australia.


We don’t need more restrictions

Obama and his spouse are going to visit Tuscon this week to attend memorial services for those killed by Loughner.

Fourteen months ago a muslim in Fort Hood shot and killed 13 people and wounded 30 others.  Obama was first in line to suppress the outrage from the community.  Pooh-poohed reporting by the media and generally tried to ignore the tragedy.

What’s the difference between the two events that would … Read more...