Category Archives: Politics

The shifting sands of government

By Donald S. Conkey – As I observe the concerns over personal freedom and liberty continue to grow nationwide, because of the ‘shifting sands’ of government, at all levels, a biblical parable came to mind. This parable, found in Matthew 7, tells about the “foolish man, which built his house upon the [shifting] sand; and the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that … Read more...

The Surge II: Pick Palin

By Sherri Reese – Protecting the future of America and her citizens took only one bold move. Pick a girl, right? Wrong. Pick a conservative who is unafraid of the “country club” political machine. Pick someone who is not an Ivy League elitist who has learned to play along to get along. Pick a person who faced every challenge by taking the higher, not because it was easy, but because … Read more...

Change By The Voters

By Randy Evans – In 2006, American voters sent a very clear message to Washington, D.C. Americans wanted change – change from a pattern of corruption in the House of Representatives; change from failed strategies in Iraq; change from political bickering that prevented solutions from becoming reality; and change from the cultural drift from the core values that made America great.

Change is what Americans wanted in 2006; and change … Read more...