More funny money!

Just The Numbers, Mam

By: Les Dunaway

The announcement by major world banks that they’ll funnel money to European banks is the latest step in the saga of “Let’s borrow more money so we can keep spending”. Only, this time it’s “Let’s print money we don’t have and loan it to people who won’t pay it back at cheap rates so they can keep spending.” [read] [read]

Here’s a good analysis of what will happen when Europe finally crumbles.

Here’s another from the other side of the pond.

Several of the European countries have tried to implement “austerity” programs – that’s politco-speak for “cut social programs and union feather-bedding”. There were prompt riots which made it clear “You can’t take away our free stuff!”.

We are blessed that this is happening now. At least, we will be blessed if our Congressmen read the newspapers and grow the cojones to fix our spending problems.

Let’s get behaviorally nerdy for a moment.

  • When deer are fed, they expand beyond the sustainable level and then starve when the feed is withdrawn.
  • When young women are paid to produce illegitimate babies, they produce lots of them.
  • When people are paid to sit home and drink beer and watch Sports Center re-runs, they also produce more children. Sometimes legitimate, but beyond the “parents” ability to provide for them.

You can add as many bullets as you wish, you get the idea. I recommend that you read the Daily Mail piece (link above “prompt riots”) carefully. The title is, as we were taught, a summary of the article content.

The world has created an underclass which exists in a world where the perception is of no way up, no justice and no hope. Every major city faces the same conflagration that London experienced. And it is all the result of liberal social policies. “Oh, we were just trying to hellllllp!” doesn’t cut it when the city is burning.

In the US, foolish, short-sighted immigration policies have created another underclass which is totally outside the law and infested with the most violent in the drug trade – millions of illegal aliens.

In the 2012 elections, those of us who believe in the principles upon which our nation was founded have one last shot at stopping our slide down the path to hell that Europe has taken.

Between now and then I, and I hope all of you, will be doing everything I can to find and support good men and women will go to Washington to shut down the programs that have done so much evil to the very people they were to “help” and have created the mountain of debt that our children and grandchildren will have to deal with.

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